VAT report on cash receipts
Mathieu GOBERT
Mathieu GOBERT
Mathieu GOBERT
Good morning,
We already have this possibility via the report module of the Furious offer.
Otherwise, from the “Import/Export” module, you can download a summary of payments month by month.
Olivia Vasselin
Mathieu GOBERT Hi, thanks for your response. Can you tell me what to do because I did not find a way to edit this report (i.e. edit the list of invoices whose payment was received in the same month and with a visible VAT breakdown for each invoice mentioned.)
Mathieu GOBERT
Olivia Vasselin
Hi Olivia,
I just saw that you are a user of InConnect and not of InFast. Indeed on InConnect we do not have this functionality.
On the other hand, you can export the cash journal, but I am not sure that this meets your needs.
I am reopening this evolution request that I am putting for our InConnect application.
Olivia Vasselin
Mathieu GOBERT We also use Infast...
Mathieu GOBERT
Olivia Vasselin
Ok in that case.
To have the export of receipts, simply go to the “Import/Export” module from the menu at the top right, then settings then “Import/Export”.
For the report module, from the left menu you can access “Report”. Then you have the option at the top right to select a specific report. On the other hand, I see that the VAT report takes into account invoices and not receipts.
The payments report does not show a VAT concept.
I think we would need a new VAT report collected in addition to the one on VAT collected.
Olivia Vasselin
Mathieu GOBERT That's exactly it. I have done a lot of tests with the reporting module, but in fact no report can gather the following information (which is necessary for the monthly or quarterly VAT return): Invoice number - Customer name - Invoice date - Invoice date - Payment date - Payment date - Payment method - Payment method - Payment method - Amount excluding VAT - VAT 5.5 - VAT 10 - VAT 20 - VAT 20 - TTC
Mathieu GOBERT
Olivia Vasselin
Thank you for all these details. We will see what can be done on the InConnect side and on the report module side in InFast.
Olivia Vasselin
Mathieu GOBERT Thanks to you! And have a nice weekend!